Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo has armed himself with quite a few seasoned lawyers to fight the “scandal” concocted by the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) that he teamed up with Trinidadian tycoons to bribe former Alliance Force Change (AFC) Member, Charrandass Persaud to support his No-Confidence Motion which was passed in the National Assembly on December 21, last.
During an interview with the Guyana Standard, the former Head of State said that he did not want to say much on the matter based on the advice of his lawyers. “In fact, they have told me that the less I say on the matter, the better it would be.”
Jagdeo said, too, that he intends to bring a lawsuit against anyone who repeats the scandal. The Guyana Standard then asked if this includes members of the media fraternity. Jagdeo responded, “I would not say yes or no.”
In addition to this, the Opposition Leader did not hesitate to share his disgust with the government’s “flip-flopping” on honouring the passage of the No-Confidence Motion.
Jagdeo said, “All we are seeing from this government can only be described as a great retreat. But the reality is that they have collapsed. The Speaker of the House (Dr. Barton Scotland) said it was carried…Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo acknowledged later on that the motion was successfully passed, that it enjoyed 33 votes and it is valid.”
The former Head of State added, “He also said that elections would be held in three months. Then the President came out and said that it would be respected…A few days later, they are saying that they will explore other options… And if they fail to hold elections after 90 days, the nation must denounce them as illegitimate because what they are doing to the people of this country is outright disrespectful and dangerous.”
The Opposition Leader also said that the government must desist from leading the country into a period of distress and turmoil. He insists that the APNU+AFC Party must face the music, it must accept defeat.