An Open Letter to Former President Bharrat Jagdeo:

Dear Editor,

On a weekly basis, I am the subject of lies fueled by racism and peddled by PPP apologists on Berbice radio stations. The Ethnic Relations Commission is fully aware of this but have taken no action. Each month I am also the subject of death threats and verbal abuse from your apologists. Recently, Dr. Jan Mangal Former Energy Sector Advisor to the President exposed your “Questionable Oil Deals” which could potentially cause the Guyanese people to be cheated out of what is rightfully theirs.

The fact that you singled out myself and a few other Afro-Guyanese who applied for, paid for and subsequently received ‘cheap & non-prime’ farms lands in the most rural parts of Guyana has again confirmed your racist stance and as the old proverb states “ A drowning man will clutch at straws’.

The manner in which you obtained my file from the Guyana Lands and Surveys is criminal in nature and a complaint will be filed with the Guyana Police Force. I would be grateful for you to explain how Mr. Boyer, one of your known supporters received thousands of acres of prime lands at prices significantly below market value while thousands of people were still awaiting house lots.

You usually spew your unacceptable racist remarks by continually targeting Afro- Guyanese who according to the United Nations Special Rapporteur (McDougall 2008) were marginalized during your tenure.

I applied for land for a commercial venture in 2013. It is my belief that my application and business plan were purposefully hidden for 2 years. Due to my persistence, my document suddenly resurfaced in January 2015. The series of activities pertaining to the land acquisition process is attached for publication (Provided) and can be found on my Facebook page. It includes letters from the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission, Go-Invest and the former Cabinet Secretary, Roger Luncheon. 

In addition, it took six years to actually receive these lands which I firmly believed are a direct result from marginalization and racism.

I pity you Mr. Jagdeo, In addition to your Dr. of Doom Title, you have now endowed yourself with the title Dr. of Racism and Questionable Deals.


Mr. Eric Phillips

(BSc Chemical Engineering, MSc Telecommunications Engineering, MBA Marketing and International Business)


  1. It’s about time someone starts hitting back at Jagdeo. This failed president and fake PHD continues to try to drag this country back into the cesspool he and his PPP governments left it.

    He continues to feed off of the ‘Burnham the boogie man’ lifeline when nothing their 23 years of government did compares to what Burnham did for the nation.

    Guyana will forever be handcuffed as long as Jagdeo remains influential in Guyanese politics.

    Jagdeo does not speak for or represent the majority of Indo-Guyanese but is just a minority mouthpiece for his ilk.


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