Putting aside the names of the partisan individuals, Executive Member of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) Dr David Hinds is of the firm conviction that the lists provided by President David Granger and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo offer at least six credible nominees for the post of Chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

The nominees provided by Jagdeo are Gerry Gouveia (Captain); Joseph Singh (Retired Major General); Annette Arjoon-Martins; BS Roy (Retired Justice of Appeal); Kashir Khan (attorney-at-law); Krishnadatt Persaud (former Senior Magistrate); Lawrence Latchmansingh; Norman McLean (Retired Major General); Onesi La Fleur; Ramesh Dookhoo; and William Ramlall (Retired Puisne Judge).
Dr Hinds told the Guyana Standard that of the recommended names, Environmentalist Annette Arjoon-Martins and Retired Major General Joseph Singh are two credible options.
As for President Granger’s list, the suggestions are retired Justice James Patterson; businessman Stanley Ming; Kessaundra Alves; Dr Aubrey Armstrong; Kadim Khan; Kim Kyte-Thomas; Justice Claudette LaBennett; and Stanley Moore.
Dr Hinds noted that attorney-at-law Kim Kyte-Thomas and Justice Claudette LaBennett are also two viable options on the President’s list.
The WPA Executive Member opined that as tainted as the process is thus far, there are at least six people who can be extracted from the lists submitted by both parties.
Considering the issues that came with the initial appointment of Justice Patterson as GECOM Chair, the Guyana Standard asked Dr Hinds if he believes that the resubmission of his name was a mistake on the President’s part.
The University Associate Professor said, “The mistake was at the beginning of the process. I have said before that I don’t feel Jagdeo should submit the names of people from the previous list because that is prejudicial to the process. Once he resubmits a list of old names, the other side will respond in like kind.”
Dr Hinds added, “There are PPP partisans on that list such as Gerry Gouveia and the other side has responded in like kind. I am not blaming Granger but early on they should have started with fresh nominees because the PPP’s list includes partisans and now it is a case of tit for tat.”
Be that as it may, Dr Hinds opined that all hope is not lost.