Facilitated by Creditinfo Inc. Guyana, the local Credit Bureau has been collaborating with entities such as banks and various utility companies to make it easier for persons and businesses to borrow.
But an individual borrowing ability is usually backed by a good credit score.
It was with this in mind that the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GTT) decided to introduce an initiative to help boost its customers’ credit score.
The company has announced that through customers’ prompt payment of their bills using the MMG platform, which is facilitated by Mobile Money Guyana (MMG) app, and paying on time, can positively impact their credit score.
“GT&T encourages all customers to pay their bills on time so that their credit score can be maintained in good standing,” said Public Relations and Corporate Communications Manager, Jasmin Harris.
Harris noted that it is important for citizens to know their credit score as it helps them to understand how their payment behaviour can influence what credit facilities they are able to access from financial institutions.
Persons desirous of receiving information on their credit score can access this online at www.creditinfo.gy – either by obtaining a free copy of their credit report or by paying for it via MMG, or at the Creditinfo Guyana offices on New Market Street, Georgetown.
Creditinfo Guyana Inc. was established in July of 2013 to provide credit information to financial institutions and other lending agencies. The company maintains a database comprising a factual record of an individual’s credit history.