Admitting that healthcare professionals are the smartest, innovative and conscientious people she knows, Minister of Public Health Volda Lawrence sought to wholeheartedly thank them for their invaluable work throughout the nation’s battle with the COVID-19 pandemic.
In her labour day message, Minister Lawrence said, “I find it prudent to recognise and underscore the invaluable work done by our Nurses, Doctors and other Medical Professionals, who have served above and beyond the call of duty; 24/7.”

She noted that while appreciation is important year round, this time of year is the perfect time to express appreciation.
With that said, the Health Minister added that she is proud to state that our Healthcare professionals are the smartest, most innovative, most conscientious people she knows.
“They’re seizing the opportunity to find innovative solutions to the problems we face and continue to work tirelessly for the recovery of their patients and for the protection of all Guyanese,” she further added.
In light of the foregoing, she expressed heartfelt thanks to all caregivers for the energy, innovation and patient-focus solutions they bring to this necessary and ongoing task of fighting the spread of COVID-19.
According to the Minister, the significance of Labour Day is the recognition of the struggles of workers and their significant input into society.
With this in mind, the contributions of our public healthcare system to Guyanese society, is second to none, she noted.
“All of our healthcare professionals are National Heroes in my book. Happy Labour Day to you all!” Minister Lawrence concluded.