Since the process regarding the recount of the votes cast in the March General and Regional Elections began some seven days ago, the Opposition – the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPPC) – through it agents, has been calling on the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to provide what they refer to as the “Summary of Resolutions”, so that it may be used as a guide to address recurring issues. Following a Commission meeting today, the decision was taken to accede to that request. Reporting this development, earlier this afternoon, was GECOM’s Spokeswoman, Yolanda Ward.
The document contains issues raised by party agents scrutinizing the process, as well as the resolution to these objections. The PPP/C believes that the document would be used to expeditiously resolve recurring issues.
PPP/C Candidate, Anil Nandlall had lamented the supposed lengthy time it takes to resolve the same issues “over and over”. He regarded the document as the “rules of the game”.

The initial decision was that the document be prepared and given to the Secretariat, which would then pass the instructions on to the respective counting stations.
“As of today, the Commission has decided to share that document with the stakeholders. I think it is a list of maybe 25 of those issues that were outlined and the respective decisions on those matters,” Ward reported.