The new government has a lot it wants to achieve and it thinks, “Enough time has been wasted.” Therefore, the government is not willing to allow the global pandemic to deter it from moving swiftly along with its agenda, even for Parliament.

This much was communicated to Guyana Standard yesterday during a brief interview with Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira.

The Minister said that while COVID-19 restrictions will make things a bit difficult, “it will not stop us from doing our work.”

Teixeira said that already, a lot of options are being brainstormed regarding meeting arrangements for the National Assembly of the Twelfth Parliament.

She indicated that zoom is being considered.

However, the option of meeting in person has not been taken off of the table. Teixeira said that the government is considering meeting at a different location, somewhere that can accommodate the sixty-five member National Assembly yet still allowing all to operate under strict Covid-19 guidelines.

The Minister did not hint at any locations in mind but was firm that, “We will figure something out and get on with the business of this country.”


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