A 42-year-old Crabwood Creek resident who is accused of breaking into a man’s house and carting off his mystic television and cable box, was today sentenced to 24 months’ imprisonment for the offence.

Ivan Angashalam, also known as “Putto” of Grant 1895 Crabwood Creek, Corentyne Berbice, was hauled before His Worship Rabindranath Singh in the Springlands Magistrate’s Court. He was not required to plead to the indictable charge.

However, the Administration of Justice Act (AJA) was applied, and the defendant pleaded not guilty. As a consequence, His Worship Singh sentenced Angashalam to 24 months behind bars.

It is alleged that Angashalam, on November 6, 2020, at Crabwood Creek Corentyne, Berbice, stole one mystic television and cable box valued $52,000, property of Devendra Khemraj.


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