Health Minister, Dr Frank Anthony says that Guyanese are showing more interest in taking U.S. made Pfizer vaccine since the government made the jab available to the adult population. More Guyanese are also requesting the Chinese-made Sinopharm jab, the official said.

Overall, the Minister said that vaccination uptake has increased in at least eight administrative Regions.

“I think, by and large, people are coming forward to get vaccinated. I’ve seen now the preferences to get Pfizer or Sinopharm and those who would have received their first dose Astra Zeneca, they’re coming to get their second dose. So, I think people are trying to get themselves in order to be fully vaccinated which is a positive thing.”

While the vaccines are in demand, available also are the AstraZeneca, Sputnik V and Johnson and Johnson vaccines. Minister Anthony reiterated that there is no shortage.

He said that as more persons are taking vaccination more seriously, the infection rate is also decreasing.

“Because of our levels of vaccination, in Region Four has one of the highest levels of vaccination. And we would have also seen if you have less cases, you would have less hospitalisations and less deaths.”

Despite, the decrease in cases, Dr. Anthony is urging that there be no complacency towards the established covid guidelines of regular hand washing, sanitising, physical distancing and mask-wearing.

As of Tuesday, 388,444 persons, 18 years and older received the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine while 255, 650 of those took the second dose.

For persons 12 to 18 years, 28, 045 took the first shot, and 19, 138 returned for the second dose.


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