The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development will soon begin work on clearing the garbage from the entrance of the Kara Blue Lake in Linden. This decision was taken after the intervention of Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Hon. Oneidge Walrond following her visit to the lake on Sunday.

The lake was officially launched as a tourism destination on Sunday after successful meetings with the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, The Guyana Tourism Authority, the Region 10 Tourism Committee, and the Blue Lake Committee.

During her visit to the lake, Minister Walrond expressed concern about the indiscriminate dumping of garbage at the entrance of one of the country’s pristine tourism sites. Regional officials also signaled their unease about the issue and indicated that they were exploring options for relocating the dumpsite.

However, after meeting with Minister of Local Government and Regional Development on Monday, Minister Walrond announced that work will begin almost immediately on removing the debris from the site. “The garbage is an impediment to the attractiveness of this tourism destination, and we could not allow this situation to persist,” Minister Walrond noted.

She added that one of the highlights of the PPP/C Administration is the collaboration among state agencies.

“Minster Dharamlall was more than happy to intervene and get this issue rectified because all ministers share a collective vision of Guyana’s transformational development. It does not matter which area, region of how people voted; we are about the development of Guyana,” she stressed.

Tests done locally and internationally have verified that the water at the Kara Kara Blue Lake is safe for swimming and the minister pointed to the potential of the lake as a feature around which a major regional tourist attraction could be built. She reaffirmed the government’s commitment to the development of the tourism sector in all regions of the country and reiterated Government’s desire to see Guyanese businesses benefiting from true partnerships in the large projects and investments that are coming in the sector.


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