A male security guard is in police custody after he allegedly stole monies from Distribution Services Limited (DSL), located at Lot 12 Main and Chapel Street, New Amsterdam Berbice and Massy Distribution located at Lot 15-16 Strand Road, New Amaterdam Berbice, between December 2 and 3, 2021.

Enquiries from the manager of Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) disclosed that on December 2, the female cashier for Distribution Services Limited handed over two deposit bags with marked serial numbers to the department manager while he handed over three bags with marked serial numbers to a male security of Amalgamated Security Services.

On December 10, the manager received information that one of the bags containing $200,000 dollars cash was missing.

Further enquiries disclosed that a female cashier for Massy Distribution also on December 2 handed over nine bags containing cash to the said security guard.

On December 13, she received information from the bank that a bag containing $1,000,000 dollars cash was missing.

The police were informed and the suspect was later arrested, told of allegation, cautioned and placed into custody.

A search was conducted on the suspect’s home by a party of police and $485,000 dollars cash was found. Same was taken to Central Police Station and lodged.

The suspect remains in custody as further investigations are underway.


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