Rondel Henry, a 13-year-old student of Aruca Mouth Primary School died yesterday after he and his family experienced complications of diarrhea and vomiting after consuming a “local made liquid product”, police say.
His father, Ronald David, 35, and siblings: 11-year old, Kevin Henry; Kelvin Henry, 4; Celina Henry, 7, and mother, Donnette Henry have all been hospitalised.
Yesterday about 13:00hrs the first victim became motionless at home. He was later taken to Mabaruma Regional Hospital where on arrival he was seen and examined and pronounced dead on arrival. His body was placed in the mortuary pending a post mortem examination.
The other family members were immediately taken to Mabaruma Regional Hospital where they were all seen by doctors and admitted as patients in a critical condition.
On the said date about 16:00hrs, a team of environmental officers and police ranks visited the scene where checks were made on and around the premises but no containers or anything relating to a poisonous substance were found.
Ranks are closely working along with the health officials and investigations are in progress.