Despite claims by the political opposition that the Natural Resources Fund Bill 2021, was not properly passed in the National Assembly, the government maintains that nothing could be further from the truth.

In a statement this morning, the government categorically stated that the legislation which was passed in 2019 by the Granger administration stands successfully repealed at the moment and has been replaced by the new Bill which provides for a simplified governance structure of how the nation’s oil monies will be used following Parliamentary approvals.

The administration was keen to note that when the Bill was put to a vote on Wednesday evening, every member of the Government’s side of the house was seated and voted for its passage. The Speaker’s mace which the opposition tried to hijack, was also in place at the time when the question was put to the house and the vote taken.

The government said, “Therefore, no spin and statement of the APNU+AFC Coalition Opposition, after their despicable and revolting behaviour, can change the sequence of events which unfolded today. No propaganda or false information can be peddled by the Opposition which decent-minded people would believe.”

The administration also strongly condemned the APNU+AFC Coalition Parliamentarians’ “lawlessness and defilement of the National Assembly, the Speaker, the Clerk” via their chaotic protests.

It also called on the Speaker, Mr Manzoor Nadir to do what is necessary to avoid a recurrence.


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