Budhram Sookhoo, 64, of Lot 125 Herstelling East Bank Demerara (EBD) was killed in an accident that occurred sometime around 11:50hrs today on the Grove Public Road, EBD.

He was reportedly struck down by motor lorry GYY 5319, driven by Abdool Bacchus, a 32-year-old Soesdyke, EBD resident while he was riding his pedal cycle.

Enquiries disclosed that motor lorry # GYY 5319 was proceeding south along the eastern side of the road when it collided with the pedal cycle that was going south along the eastern side of the said road in front of the vehicle.

Bacchus was picked up in an unconscious condition and placed in an ambulance and taken to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre where he was pronounced dead on arrival by the doctor on duty.

His body is presently lying at Memorial Gardens Funeral Home awaiting a post-mortem examination.

A notice of intended prosecution was served on the lorry driver subsequent to a breathalyzer test being conducted on him which read zero. He remains in custody assisting with the investigation.


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