Thirty-five-year-old farmer, Seematie Chandra and her six-year-old daughter, Christine Sookdeo both died yesterday after they were pinned by a collapsed house at Lower Bonasika Creek, Essequibo River.


Enquiries disclosed that Seematie Chandra called ‘Nanda’, and her daughter Christine Sookdeo called ‘Pretty’ lost their lives after the house they lived in collapsed, pinning them in the process.Reports are that the mother and daughter were under the house feeding puppies when the house collapsed.


Seematie Chandra and her daughter Christine resided at the said address with two other children and her 45-year-old husband, Tulsieram Sookdeo, who is also a farmer.


According to the grieving husband, Tulsieram, he left home on January 5 about 15:50 hrs to burn bushes on another plot of land two lots away.


At the time, his wife and children were at home. Shortly after, he received information from a neighbour that his house collapsed and that his wife and daughter, who were feeding the puppies, were pinned under the house beams.


With assistance from villagers, the bodies were removed and transported via boat to Parika Hubu Stelling, where they were checked by police for marks of violence. Blood was seen coming from the mouth and nose of the duo.


The bodies were further transported to Leonora Cottage Hospital, where they were pronounced dead on arrival by a doctor. On completion, the bodies were then escorted to Ezekiel funeral home where they await post mortem examination.


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