A charge has been laid against A New and United Guyana (ANUG) Executive Member, Kian Jabour of assault against a female. The charge was read in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday. Jabour pleaded not guilty, and the trial must now be scheduled.

According to ANUG, Jabour has informed the Executive Committee of the charge and has strongly maintained his innocence of the crime.

ANUG says it recognizes two fundamental pillars of the society it wishes to see in Guyana. The first is respect for the rights of all citizens. In Guyana’s society, misogyny and abuse of women, whether in the form of domestic violence, predation in the workplace, or access to education and jobs, is a chronic disease, whose symptoms appear from the level of the street to the halls of power.

“We insist that women’s rights are to be safeguarded as a priority, and that the culture of patriarchy must be fought and eradicated,” the party added.

It noted also, that the second pillar is the principle of innocent until proven guilty.

“Mr. Jabour has been charged with assault, and will be tried in a court of law, which is the court to be respected, and not the court of social media with its concomitant political trolls and commentators,” the party said.

It noted that given the seriousness of the charge, and ANUG’s position on respect for women’s rights, the executive committee has determined that, notwithstanding the constitutional presumptions, Jabour should withdraw from all activities relating to ANUG until the conclusion of the proceedings which are pending against him.

According to the party, Jabour has agreed to this course of action.


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