Keshan Bhola, a 30-year-old taxi driver of Section ‘C’ Block ‘Y’ Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara, went to the Madewini Police about 07:00hrs yesterday, where he reported that he was abducted and robbed of his motor car, HD 2794, by two men and a woman on May 29, 2022.

However, during an interview conducted by investigators, Bhola recanted his false report to the police. In fact, he claimed that he went to a ‘gamble shop’ in Grove with his motor car where he used cocaine and drank beers. He subsequently fell asleep with the sensor key attached to the waist of his pants.

When he finally woke up, he realized that the sensor key was missing.

Upon checking for the vehicle, he found that it was gone. He later learnt that the vehicle had been removed by another man who frequents the drug yard.

Upon further investigation conducted yesterday, Bhola related that he is a habitual cocaine user and would visit the drug block often.

On Sunday 29, May 2022 at about 22:00hrs he went to the drugs yard and used cocaine which led him to conspire with a 45-year-old vendor of Grove.

Contact was made with the vendor, who was arrested and interviewed by investigators at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and it was revealed that he (vendor) sold the car to a named individual who is currently being pursued by the police.

This individual has not been located as yet.

Investigations are ongoing.


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