President, Dr Irfaan Ali told recently assured residents across a number of hinterland communities in Deep South and Central Rupununi that his Government will continue to maximise investments which will strengthen the food production systems of their communities.

The Head of State made this pledge as he addressed thousands of residents during a three-day outreach in Lethem, Shulinab, Sand Creek, Aishalton, Masakenari, Parabara, Achawib, Shea Village, Rupunau and St Ignatius in Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo).
President Ali pointed to the global crisis affecting the price of food, which he said is a result of things the Government cannot control, including the invasion of Ukraine, the global supply chain crisis and climate change.
Notwithstanding, he said that citizens must acknowledge that the Government has been responsive in facing these challenges and has “done everything in its power to ensure that the impact is minimised on the people of our country, including the relief measures deployed across the country”.
While in Lethem, the President also engaged with members of the Rupununi Chamber of Commerce. During that meeting, he assured that the Region will benefit from the Hatching Egg initiative, the cattle breeding programme as well as the Black Belly Sheep initiative. The President said that representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture will follow up and coordinate. The inclusion of young people, he added, is integral in these initiatives.
While engaging with the residents of Shulinab and neighbouring villages, President Ali announced several interventions for agriculture development, including the delivery of farming equipment for peanut farmers. The President also presented a tractor each to the villages of Shulinab, Parikwarunau, Katoonarib and Sawariwau.
The President announced too that the Government would look into acquiring a canter that will reduce the cost of transportation.
President Ali also used the opportunity to invite residents to present their proposals for agri-projects in the communities.
He indicated that the Government will work towards strengthening systems to increase honey production in Sand Creek. He said too that representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture will return to work with the community on agriculture diversification.
While in Masakenari, the delegation’s fourth stop of the outreach exercise, President Ali announced that the Government will help in developing a mixed farm to aid in their food production; the community was tasked with identifying 10 acres of suitable land for this purpose.
Additionally, the 70 households there will also receive two pairs of Brazilian Black Giant chickens each. Government, he added, will assist with training in honey production, which he said was another “great opportunity” for residents to enhance food production.
While in Shea and Rupunau villages, President Ali assured that several investments will be made to improve residents’ livelihoods.
In Shea, he said the Government will assist with the marketing of peanuts and farine from that community while it will supply Rupunau with 20 breeding rams and ten breeding bulls.
He reminded residents during the outreach that the Government of Guyana committed $3bn to improve Amerindian communities following the 2022 National Toshaos Conference.
“Never in the history of this country, with an indigenous population, did a Government ever make such a decision after consultation with the leaders of the indigenous communities.”
The President also handed over agriculture and sporting equipment to all the communities he visited.
The Head of State was joined by the Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai; the Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Nigel Dharamlall and Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues, along with technical staff from the various ministries.