This was disclosed by Toshao, Michael Thomas, on Saturday.

“One of the programmes that we have is catering for the development of our village, where we see the GOAL scholarship and all those other programmes necessary, and where we can contribute towards meeting the government’s programmes halfway,”
The announcement was made while Minister of Public Service, Sonia Parag was also in the community to launch the Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL) Scholarship. Minister Parag explained that the programme is intended to make tertiary education accessible to all. She said internet access will empower residents to upskill themselves.
Some $2 million has been set aside to provide internet access to the village, according to the toshao.
“Aishalton village council sees it key for our people to get qualified and for our people to complete what they have started. We want to thank the ministry of public service for meeting us halfway,” Thomas explained.
He said it was important for village councils to work with the government to bring development to communities.
“What we should do is come up with innovative ways of how our village can operate, and we can use our human resources and what we have, and bring together our resources and make sure that our people are benefitting from whatever form is there for us,” He said the coming week will see installation works commencing. The Guyana Tourism Authority will also provide equipment to assist with the installation. (Extracted from the Department of Public Information)