This was disclosed by Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal during the recent distribution of cement and steel subsidy vouchers in New Amsterdam, Region Six.
“We know the quality of the water on the coastland. We know the iron content in the water and Region Five is no exception, but the way to address it, is with the injection of resources for treatment plants and your government is doing such,” Minister Croal assured.
Some $424 million will be invested within 18 months to upgrade the water treatment plant at Cotton Tree, which will benefit 15,000 residents between Number Six Village to Ithaca.
Another treatment plant will be constructed at Bath Settlement and the water distribution network will be upgraded.

“We will spend about US$15.6 million. This, we are expecting to complete in another two years. That treatment plant when it is constructed will service from Number Seven to Kingelly, benefitting another 22,000 customers,” the minister noted.
The water distribution network will be extended from Ithaca to Britannia to deliver first time access and approximately $7.2 million will be spent on the expansion which will be completed in another month.
“The construction of these treatment plants will improve the level of service, quality of water, and also will bring a reliable supply of water on a 24-hour basis to your homes. The quality of life that you live is very important,” the minister underlined.
By 2025, the level of treated water on the coastland will increase to 90 per cent in keeping with the government’s 2021-2025 strategic plan. (Department of Public Information)