The second itinerant sitting of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) in Guyana commenced this morning. The CCJ is Guyana’s highest appellate court which settles disputes in both civil and criminal appeals.

The opening ceremony of the itinerant sittings was held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC), located in Liliendaal, Georgetown.

The event featured a parade and inspection by the President of the CCJ, the Honourable Justice Adrian Saunders, including his address as well as remarks by the Honourable Justice Roxanne George-Wiltshire, Chief Justice (Ag), and the Honourable Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards, Chancellor (Ag).

Justice Saunders in his address underscored that over the next two days the court will preside over five cases. He added that this sitting is the first in-person court hearing for quite some time, owed to the COVID-19 pandemic which resulted in the work of the court being done virtually.

“Over the next few days we will deliver judgment in criminal appeal from Guyana and hear cases in both the original and the appellate jurisdiction of the court,” he added.

Justice Saunders also expressed his gratitude for the hospitable welcome himself and other justices including the CCJ’s staff received since they arrived in Guyana.

For her part, the acting Chief Justice reminded the audience of the work of the CCJ, adding, “We look forward to stimulating engagements with the CCJ judges during this visit.” She noted that the CCJ has set a very high standard leading Guyana’s Judiciary in the advancement of court technology and inspiring the judiciary to achieve excellence and judicial administration. “And in doing so this enduring regional institution which celebrated its 18th anniversary this year, educates, guides and enjoins us to ensure that in upholding the rule of law we engender public trust and confidence in our justice system,” the Chief Justice added.

The first itinerate sitting in Guyana was done in February 2014, over a three-day period. That sitting had also marked the retirement of former CCJ Judge Honourable Justice Desiree Bernard, a Guyanese.


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