Guyana has recorded a total of 102 road fatalities between the period January 1 and June 29, 2023. According to statistics released by the Guyana Police Force (GPF), a total of 65 accidents leading to 75 deaths occurred during this time. Some 24 fatal incidents, accounting for 27 deaths also happened during the same reporting period.

Traffic-related accidents began increasing earlier this year prompting the authorities to devise strategies to curb the carnage. As of February 18 this year, the country has already recorded 16 fatalities, with the Ministry of Home Affairs airing concerns over the loss of life.

The Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Act was earlier this year tweaked to introduce punitive measures and strengthen existing systems aimed at addressing drunk driving and repeat traffic offenders. The passage of amendments now allows drunk drivers to be charged with motor manslaughter and causing grievous bodily harm. Death, however, continues to occur on the roadways, with the most recent being a 20-year-old motorcyclist, Joshua Blackin, who allegedly collided with a car on Mandela Avenue on Thursday night.



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