Pomeroon Oil Mill Inc, a local company headed by owned by well-known businessman Andron Alphonso, is seeking to establish a copra oil processing project in Charity, Essequibo.
In its project summary submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the company highlighted that the project was originally conceived in 1998 with the goal of meeting the demand for high-quality and edible copra oil. The initiative also aligns with the government’s objective of promoting industries based on locally available raw materials.
As a step towards integration, the company said it recognized the strategic value of setting up a copra processing project that would primarily utilize the copra sourced from the local growers in the Charity area. The region Guyana Standard understands, boasts small-scale coconut growers known for producing top-notch copra.
“The project will make use of locally available copra sourced from small growers, thereby enhancing the local economy. It will contribute to the production of edible oil and copra meal for the feed and livestock industry,” the company explained.
The project site is situated on plots identified as ‘G’ and ‘H,’ located on the right bank of the Pomeroon River in an area known as Amazon, within Essequibo County. Charity itself is a Municipal District, managed by an NDC, and encompasses residential, tourism, agricultural, commercial, and industrial operations.
The project site is approximately 500 meters away from Charity Secondary School, 375 meters from the Oscar Joseph District Hospital, and 285 meters from the Charity Catholic Church. No other significant sensitive receptors were observed at the time of evaluation.
Pomeroon Oil Mill Inc is owned by Andron Alphonso, the President of the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA). The project summary submitted to the EPA mentioned that the estimated capital investment for this project amounts to approximately $500,000,000.