Home News Business SBM Offshore hosts RFP clarification session for companies

SBM Offshore hosts RFP clarification session for companies

Dutch floater specialist, SBM Offshore Guyana hosted a Request for Proposals (RFP) Clarification session today for companies seeking to respond to its recently published RFP for background check services (OilNow Photo)

Dutch floater specialist, SBM Offshore Guyana hosted a Request for Proposals (RFP) Clarification session today for companies seeking to respond to its recently published RFP for background check services. The aim of the session was to address any questions or misconceptions to ensure that there is a fair and smooth bidding process.

The RFP published by SBM noted that the background check services will be used to enhance its recruitment processes. The RFP outlined the scope and objectives of the services required, shedding light on the meticulous screening process SBM Offshore is looking to implement.

The primary goal of these background check services is to conduct comprehensive evaluations of candidates applying for career opportunities within SBM Offshore. The RFP delineates two main areas of focus: one for Nationals and International applicants and another for High Exposure Services.

For Nationals and International applicants, the scope of service includes conducting Criminal Record Checks and Basic Background Checks. The latter encompasses a range of components such as government-issued identification verification, criminal record checks, examination of sex offender registries where available, scrutiny of global sanctions lists, and an assessment of motor vehicle records (if the contractor will be operating equipment on Company premises).

Similarly, High Exposure Services demand a rigorous evaluation process, including a detailed analysis of employment history spanning the last five years, and a careful assessment of position qualifications, which encompasses education (college/university) or equivalent experience and professional accreditation (as applicable).

The deadline for submissions is September 29, 2023, at close of business (17:00hrs). SBM Offshore has emphasized that no delays or extensions will be granted. Interested parties are encouraged to adhere to the email title format specified in the RFP document, ensuring that it reads: “GDO-SCM-045 – Background Checks – Your Company Name –– Final RFP Submission.”


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