The spate of road fatalities is of grave concern to President Dr. Irfaan Ali, who is now mulling a system where good drivers pay less insurance while the reckless bunch pays more. During an exclusive interview with Guyana Standard, Ali said the insurance system needs to be placed under the microscope in order to examine how certain fiscal disincentives can be implemented.

Ali said, “We have to look at the insurance system because that, by itself, does not push a demerit system. The insurance system does not allow persons who are affected by accidents to even get compensation that matches (the damage incurred). So when you have these deterrents people would understand that an accident has a high cost…”

A demerit system is a way for insurance companies to decide how much you pay for your car insurance based on your driving behaviour. If you break traffic laws or have accidents where you are at fault, you get demerit points. The more points you have, the more you pay for insurance because it shows you are a higher risk to insure. Over time, if you drive safely and avoid getting any new points, your insurance cost can go down.

Apart from this system, Ali also underscored the need for an aggressive national education programme that includes greater visuals on the road ways.

“That is why we are now trying to put up the speed signs to allow you to understand what speed you are supposed to be driving at,” the President added.

Another component, he said, needs to be addressed, is the opportunities for corruption and human bias that allow drivers to get away with breaking the law. For this, he shared his intent to have more technology deployed as part of major plans to ensure road safety.

“All of these things have to be addressed in a holistic manner,” said Ali.

The Head of State also noted his interest in the use of a governor to control speed. This device is used to regulate the speed of a machine, such as an engine. It automatically adjusts the fuel or energy supply to ensure the engine runs at a safe, predetermined speed, thereby preventing accidents and other unsafe conditions. He said this can be deployed for trucks, which have been found to go at a reckless pace even when overweight.

Ali also noted that his plans review stiffer penalties. “But I would say that the number of road accidents is unacceptable and we have to take drastic steps to strengthen the laws as well as the enforcement of it and that is what we are working towards,” said the Head of State.


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