With the commencement of construction on 188 new homes under the Core Homes Support initiative, more Guyanese families will soon experience an improvement in their living conditions. This project is a significant step forward in addressing housing needs for low-income families and forms part of a broader effort to uplift communities across the nation.

The Core Homes Support initiative offers families the opportunity to own a new 20ft by 20ft, two-bedroom concrete house for a nominal contribution of GYD $100,000. This initiative is a key component of the Adequate Housing and Urban Accessibility Programme (AHUAP), a GYD $5.8 billion (USD $28 million) project funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and executed through Guyana’s Ministry of Housing and Water.

Under the AHUAP, a total of 250 core homes are set to be constructed in designated areas within Regions Three and Four. Each home is valued at approximately GYD $5 million, reflecting the government’s significant investment in this critical social housing program. Since the program’s inception, 110 houses have already been handed over to families in areas such as La Parfaite Harmonie, Sophia, Hope, Onderneeming, and Westminster.

Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues, emphasized the rapid progress being made to ensure that the houses are completed and distributed as quickly as possible. Speaking at a recent ceremony in Region Three, where five homes were handed over, she highlighted the government’s commitment to increasing homeownership among low-income families.

“We are pushing to complete these homes in the coming months so that we can hand them over to the beneficiaries, bringing our total to about 323 core home beneficiaries,” Minister Rodrigues stated. “This is a significant achievement in our ongoing effort to support vulnerable communities and improve the living standards of our people.”

Currently, 16 additional homes are under construction, and work is expected to accelerate in the coming months.

In addition to the construction of new homes, the AHUAP includes a comprehensive package of infrastructural improvements aimed at enhancing the quality of life in participating communities. These improvements include the rehabilitation and construction of community grounds, drainage systems, road networks, and the installation of streetlights, all of which are essential for creating safe and welcoming neighborhoods.

A critical element of the AHUAP is the Home Improvement Subsidy, which offers low-income families living in substandard conditions access to building materials worth up to GYD $500,000. This subsidy supports essential repairs and improvements, including the renovation of walls, floors, electrical systems, and sanitation facilities. The goal is to ensure that all families have access to safe and healthy living environments, even if they are not part of the core homes program.

Applications for both the core home support and the home improvement subsidy have now closed, indicating strong demand for these valuable programs.

The success of these initiatives highlights the ongoing need for affordable housing solutions and the government’s commitment to meeting this demand.


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