During a presser held at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) today, Dr. Armnauth Dukhi made it clear that the death of 31-year-old, Deandra Liverpool, was no fault of the health institution.

The woman’s death sparked controversy after her mother took to social media to highlight that despite being diagnosed with and being treated for a brain tumor that doctors claimed to be “not that serious”, her daughter passed at the institution due to a cerebral cyst.

Liverpool’s mother, London, claimed her daughter was not properly informed about the necessary tests during her initial visit to GPHC and that despite prior consultations with Dr. Dukhi at another medical facility, Liverpool was unaware of the required tests. London also stated that all prescribed medication was administered as directed.

In explaining the events leading up to her death Dr. Dukhi explained that Liverpool first sought treatment at GPHC’s Neurosurgery Clinic on May 20, 2024, where he tended to her. During this visit, several tests were ordered for Liverpool, tests that were pending from an earlier visit to a private institution where Dr. Dukhi had also treated her. The results of these tests he said were crucial for any surgical intervention that might be required at GPHC.

“I explained to them the need and the reasons for this thing (the tests) because when I looked at that MRI for the first time on the 15th of May—I’m guided that it’s a brain mass… and I explained to them the need for these tests to be done before because more than likely it will need surgical intervention,” he said.

However, Liverpool returned to GPHC on June 10 without having completed all the necessary tests. During this visit, she tragically experienced a seizure and, despite prompt medical intervention, was pronounced dead in the hospital’s emergency room.

The doctor said when the investigation was launched to look into the claims made by Liverpool’s mother, the hospital’s findings indicated that Liverpool had indeed been informed about the tests and their importance for her treatment.

Further, the investigation highlighted delays in scheduling appointments and obtaining test results, which played a role in the unfortunate outcome.

Notably, the deceased’s mother did speak of the delays in test results, noting, “We did all the tests required. However, the pap smear and mammogram tests were delayed since they had to be done at a private institution.” She also added that she was unable to proceed with the treatment prescribed by the doctor since she could not afford the $5 million fee.

Additionally, the report acknowledged that London had not been contacted by the hospital, marking a significant lapse in communication.

The investigation also addressed the need for a mammogram, confirming that logistical challenges delayed the acquisition of the test results within the hospital’s timeframe. It scrutinized the accuracy of Liverpool’s diagnosis, revealing discrepancies between the initial diagnosis of a brain tumour and the death certificate, which listed the cause of death as a cerebral cyst.

Dukhi also justified why a letter was not given for overseas treatment. He stated that such a letter was deemed unnecessary as the required surgery could have been performed at GPHC, provided all necessary tests were completed. The hospital emphasized that Liverpool’s medical condition and the suspected high-risk nature of her case necessitated thorough planning and investigation before any surgical procedures.

The GPHC has since issued a press release expressing its deepest sympathies to Liverpool’s family and acknowledging the issues uncovered by the investigation, particularly the lapses in communication and delays in scheduling and testing.

The hospital has also urged the public to utilize the established HELP DESK system for addressing any concerns or complaints and reaffirmed its commitment to improving hospital processes to prevent similar incidents in the future.


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