The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport says it is excited to present an exclusive Young Actors Workshop featuring the esteemed action movie star, martial arts champion, and bodybuilding professional Silvio Simac.

Known for his roles in blockbuster films such as “Transporter 3,” “John Wick 3,” and “Undisputed 2,” Simac brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this unique event. This workshop offers a rare opportunity for aspiring actors to learn directly from a seasoned industry professional. It is open to all, including Performing Arts CAPE students.

Event Details:

Date: Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Time: 11 AM to 4 PM

Location: National Cultural Centre

Participants are encouraged to register now to secure their spot. Registration can be completed via the following link:…/1kOQ40D_4ZKjXve8bjDvl3…/edit


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