Dear Editor,

Every government tender now attracts hundreds of qualified bids from an ever-growing cadre of contracting firms. It is a testament to the success of growth under the Irfan Ali-led administration but also serves as the greatest source of discontent, for with every contract awarded there is one happy company and hundreds that have spent time, money and effort which has gone unrewarded.

It is a harsh business environment that has spawned bitter accusations against all involved in the public procurement process. The administration’s task however is to separate fact from fiction, truth from bile, and it is Sisyphean by nature.

There is some hope as more firms are willing to lodge complaints to the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) and that body is making adverse findings and recommendations for correction. This is the check built into the system to ensure balance; however, it only works when it is utilized.

In October 2023, in commenting on the controversial Tepui award of the Bel Vue pump station, I wrote, “The PPC investigation may or may not prove corrupt practice in the Belle Vue Pump Contract award, but the level of thoroughness and transparency utilized by the PPC will demonstrate the success or failure of the house that (Vice President, Dr. Bharrat) Jagdeo built.” I believe we can now say that the system is being increasingly utilized by contractors and is responding to the challenge positively; contracts are being thoroughly investigated and recommendations have been swift and clear.

Editor, Guyana is growing and so are its people. The maturity is seen when contractors are willing to make formal complaints when they feel hard done by and trust that the PPC will do investigations with integrity and promptness.

Corruption will be uncovered, and stamped out bit by bit but it is now for those in civil society to show maturity and abandon the use of innuendo and unfounded accusations with claims of corruption, victimization, and discrimination, and in the same manner of the contractors, make formal complaints to relevant oversight bodies such as the PPC, the ERC, the Police Complaints Authority, etc. as needed. It is time to stop with the cheap shots and put effort into correcting the ills in our society in a structured manner; in short, put up or shut up.

Robin Singh


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