Conflict of interest concerns continue to mount following the election of attorney-at-law Nigel Hughes as Alliance for Change (AFC) leader, while he remains attached to the firm that represents ExxonMobil.

The politician, however, appears unbothered by the state of affairs. He was quoted by the Demerara Waves as saying that the concerns would only be legitimate if he secures a position within the government. Furthermore, the politician was quoted saying said that he will not be participating in an discussions at the party level about ExxonMobil.

Hughes’ comment has drawn some condemnation from politicians and political commentators alike.

Just recently, the country’s Vice-President, Bharrat Jagdeo said that Hughes “obviously did not read the definition of politically exposed persons in the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act 2009”.

Indeed, the act defines “politically exposed person” as any individual who is or has been entrusted with prominent public functions on behalf of a state, including a Head of State or of government, senior politicians, senior government, judicial or military officials, and senior executives of state owned corporations.

Additionally, a politically exposed person includes, important political party officials and a person who is or has been entrusted with a prominent function by an international organisation, at the level of senior management, including directors, deputy directors and members of the board or equivalent functions including family members or close associates of the politically exposed person whether that person is resident in Guyana or not.

Hughes made the connection between his law firm and the oil giant last week during his appearance on a live show “Politics 101”, hosted by Dr David Hinds.

The Attorney made the revelation after he refused to comment on whether he will push for the renegotiation of the 2016 oil deal between ExxonMobil and the Guyana Government.




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