The Ministry of Labour has taken a significant step towards enhancing the nation’s human resources with the launch of a comprehensive online life skills training programme, designed to provide accessible educational opportunities to citizens across the country.

This initiative, a collaboration between the Ministry’s Board of Industrial Training (BIT) and global online course provider Coursera, was announced yesterday, during an online launch event held at the ministry.

Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton, in his opening remarks, underscored the necessity of coupling technical skills with strong theoretical foundations to remain competitive in the job market. “You cannot be a good plumber if you don’t know how to do a bill of quantities. If you don’t have an understanding of English or mathematics, you will lose out on a job as skilful as you are,” Hamilton stated, highlighting the importance of a well-rounded education for professional success.

Since the programme’s inception, over 115 individuals have already registered, seizing the opportunity to enhance their life skills through this innovative platform.

Guyana Standard understands that the programme offers mandatory courses in Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellness, and Entrepreneurship, designed to build a solid foundation for further learning and professional development. Upon completion of these courses, participants will have the flexibility to pursue additional courses that align with their personal skills and interests, leveraging the vast educational resources available through Coursera.

Director of the Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL), Jacob Opadeyi, emphasized the enduring value of the life skills being imparted through this programme. “Life skills are skills nobody can take away from you once you have learned them, and when I look at the programme that has been created for this initiative, they are skills that everybody should have in their back pockets to improve their livelihood,” he remarked.

He also praised the user-friendly nature of the Coursera platform, which offers features such as downloadable courses, translation tools, and a 24-hour live chat for continuous learning support, even in areas with unreliable internet access.

To enroll, interested individuals are encouraged to visit the Board of Industrial Training office with their identification card. After initial registration, their information will be added to the Coursera platform, where Coursera representatives will complete the final steps of registration.

The programme’s inclusive approach also extends beyond BIT participants, with BIT CEO, Richard Maughn assuring that the ministry is committed to providing opportunities for all individuals eager to enhance their skills and improve their employability. “So once persons make contact with us, I am sure that we will be willing to have them registered to benefit from these programmes,” Maughn stated, affirming the ministry’s dedication to fostering personal and professional growth across the country.

In addition to educational opportunities, the Ministry of Labour is also offering resources to support job seekers through the Central Recruitment and
Manpower Agency (CRMA).

The agency maintains a database of registered companies and assists individuals in finding employment that matches their qualifications and experience, further contributing to the ministry’s overarching goal of economic empowerment and workforce development.


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