Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo today raised serious doubts about the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)’s ability to lead Guyana following the recent controversies that plagued the smooth flow of its internal elections. During a press conference on Thursday, Jagdeo criticized the opposition party’s handling of its Congress held last Sunday, highlighting a series of internal disputes and resignations that have undermined its credibility.

Jagdeo pointed out that the internal discord within the PNCR has cast a shadow over its integrity, with top leaders and candidates alleging that the process was manipulated and fraught with unfair practices. “Their actions and the confusion surrounding the Congress not only made them look more untrustworthy, but even their own people…. have declared that the entire process was untrustworthy,” Jagdeo asserted.

He noted that several high-profile party members, including Roysdale Forde and Amanza Walton-Desir, have accused the party of orchestrating a rigged election to achieve a predetermined outcome, leading to their withdrawal from the race.

Jagdeo emphasized that if the PNCR’s top leadership cannot even maintain trust within their ranks, it is impossible for them to present themselves as trustworthy to the broader Guyanese public. “If you can’t be trustworthy to your top leadership and have them defend you, how could you come over as being trustworthy to the people of this country? They failed miserably on the metric of trustworthiness,” he stated.

Trustworthiness, according to Jagdeo, is a crucial attribute for political leaders, and the PNCR’s actions have further tarnished their reputation in this regard.

Reflecting on the party’s history, Jagdeo underscored the PNCR’s long-standing association with electoral malpractice, a stigma they have struggled to overcome. He recalled the widespread optimism in 2015 when the PNCR presented a reformed image, convincing many, especially the younger generation, to give them another chance. However, Jagdeo lamented that the party reverted to its old ways during the 2020 elections, once again attempting to manipulate the outcome.

Jagdeo also highlighted the toxic atmosphere of the PNCR’s internal elections, where candidates engaged in personal attacks and vilified each other with allegations of sexual harassment and other forms of misconduct. He contrasted this with the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), stating that even their harshest critics within the PPP would not stoop to such levels of defamation. “The vile campaigning among the contenders, they invented some stories about each other and dug up stories about sexual harassment and all of that. That wouldn’t even come from their worst competitors in the PPP; we wouldn’t get so low and be so vile,” he said, criticizing the hostile environment within which the PNCR’s Congress was conducted.

Jagdeo also questioned the PNCR’s ability to govern effectively if they cannot even manage their own internal affairs. He stressed the importance of demonstrating integrity and competence at all levels of political activity, suggesting that the PNCR’s failure in these areas disqualifies them from credible national leadership. “If they can’t manage their own affairs on a small scale, how can they manage this country?” he queried.


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