Detectives in Regional Division 4’A’ are probing the murder of a 28-year-old male called “Shawn” or “Kyle Bottle” of Grove, East Bank Demerara (EBD), which occurred at about 02:00 hrs this morning at King Street and South Road, Georgetown.

Enquiries revealed that the victim, who is said to be a sex worker, along with a 26-year-old male (name withheld by police) of West La Penitence Housing Scheme, were standing between King Street and South Road when a heavily-tinted silver-coloured Premio (registration number unknown) drove south on Croal Street, and several loud explosions suspected to be gunshots were heard coming from the direction of the car.

As a result, the 28-year-old victim ran east onto South Road before collapsing. The car continued north on King Street and disappeared. Detectives were alerted and visited the scene, where they found the victim face-down in a pool of blood. The victim was clad in a black dress, a black shower cap, and a pair of black socks.

The 28-year-old was pronounced dead at the scene by Doctor Harry Kissoon from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). Crime scene ranks who processed the scene examined the victim’s body, and what appeared to be a gunshot wound was seen under the deceased’s right arm. Nine 9mm spent shells were recovered at the scene. The body was escorted to the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home, awaiting a post-mortem examination.

Investigations are ongoing.


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