Alliance for Change (AFC) Leader, Nigel Hughes has emphasized the need for a collaborative effort among all political parties to create a comprehensive 10-15 year plan, focusing on education, the economy, foreign affairs, poverty, and health.

During his party’s press conference today, Hughes proposed the initiative noting that a unified approach, involving the expertise of various political parties and the nation’s top economists, would ensure that the plan remains intact regardless of which party is in power.

“The country’s more likely to benefit if all the collective skills, all the political parties—the best economists come together and work on that plan for 10 to 15 years and we all sign off on it,” he stated.

According to Hughes, such a plan would be “fundamental” for the nation’s progress, providing a stable and committed framework that transcends electoral cycles. “(It will ensure) whoever is in office has signed off and is committed to it. I think that’s the responsible way forward,” he said.

Noting that such a request was already made by the AFC, Hughes urged President, Irfaan Ali to convene a meeting with all political parties and relevant technical experts to develop this long-term strategy. “The alliance for change (AFC) has called to the president to convene such a meeting of all the parties and all the appropriate technical skills so we can have this 10 to 15 year plan in education, economy, foreign affairs, poverty, and health,” he noted.

Hughes pointed out that while the plan would address the core issues crucial for the nation’s development, the specifics and finer details could be determined during national elections. “Everything else we can complete that at the national election. But let us sign off on the long term in those five years,” he explained.

He also expressed hope that President Ali would heed this call for unity and collaboration, stating, “I hope that the President—he doesn’t have to consult with us; he consults with other persons and we can get everybody around the table so that we can at least arrive at a plan that all of us can sign off on.”

Hughes’ noted that at present, the nation is navigating various economic and social challenges. However, he is of the firm belief that by bringing together diverse political perspectives and technical expertise, the AFC aims to create a stable and forward-thinking roadmap that can guide the country’s progress over the next decade and beyond.


  1. Why does Hughes want all parties involved? So he can sneak into power?
    I do not think the opposition can be trusted.


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