In a heartwarming display of community support, DHL Guyana today delivered educational materials to Corriverton Primary School. The handover ceremony, which took place in the vibrant town of Corriverton, underscored DHL’s ongoing dedication to enhancing educational opportunities and supporting local communities.

Mrs. Ruth Singh Jeffers, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of DHL Guyana, and Alvin Ramnarine, Station Manager of New Amsterdam, graced the event. They were warmly received by the school’s principal, teachers, and enthusiastic students. The ceremony highlighted DHL’s role beyond logistics, showcasing its commitment to fostering growth and inspiring future generations.

Mrs. Jeffers addressed the attendees with a heartfelt message: “Today, we are not just delivering packages. We are delivering hope and opportunity. Thanks to the invaluable support of the Ministry of Education and the dedicated staff here at Corriverton Primary, we can help ensure that every child has the tools they need to succeed.”

The delivery included a variety of educational materials, books, and supplies designed to enhance the students’ learning experience. As the children unwrapped the boxes, their faces lit up with excitement and wonder, sparking conversations about their future aspirations. The materials provided are expected to support the student’s educational journey and bring their dreams closer to reality.

Following the ceremony, Mrs. Jeffers and Mr. Ramnarine toured the classrooms, witnessing the impact of DHL’s mission firsthand. They observed the students’ vibrant energy and were reminded of the profound difference that community support can make.

“This event reaffirms our belief that DHL’s commitment extends beyond logistics,” said Mr. Ramnarine. “Our role is to deliver on a promise of growth, collaboration, and positive change. Each delivery represents an opportunity to contribute to a brighter future.”

As DHL continues to extend its outreach across Guyana, the company remains driven by the conviction that every interaction is an opportunity to make a meaningful impact. The company’s dedication to service excellence and community support solidifies its position as a trusted leader in fostering positive change.

About DHL Guyana

Since 1988, DHL Guyana has symbolized reliability and community spirit. It provides exceptional logistics services while deeply engaging with local communities. The company’s commitment to excellence and social responsibility is evident in its various initiatives to foster growth and positive change.


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