Police are investigating the alleged murder of Troy Rodrigues, called ‘Kelly’, a 23-year-old mechanic of Lot 165 Leopold Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown. He was reportedly killed at about 19:15 hrs on Friday at Vlissengen Square, between West Ruimveldt Front Road and Mandela Avenue.

According to a 25-year-old construction worker from West Ruimveldt, on the date and time mentioned, he was in his backyard bathing when he heard two loud explosions that sounded like gunshots. He said he looked over his fence and saw a man lying motionless on the road. He then ran out to the road where a small crowd gathered, and Rodrigues was lying motionless on the road in a pool of blood.

He was clad in a green jersey, blue short pants, black slippers on his feet and a black surgical mask on his face. The body was examined, and a small circular wound was seen on his forehead. No spent shell was found.

The body is at GPHC’s mortuary, awaiting a post-mortem examination.

Several persons in the area were questioned as investigations continue.


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