Head of the Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID), Rickford Burke is accusing the Guyana Government of sending spies and hitmen to target its critics in the United States of America.

Burke, in a recent Facebook post, said, “It seems unreal and incredible. But it is true. Guyana’s racist PPP government has been boldly sending intelligence agents from the Guyana Police Force and Guyana Defence Force, and hitmen, into the United States to target Guyanese dissents who expose their racism, injustice against African Guyanese, human rights abuses and corruption.”

He said that most of these “spying agents are mostly Black and are armed with illegal guns”, noting that two persons are under investigation for “trying to hire assassins”.

Burke further noted that the US Justice Department and the State Department are now involved, claiming that the State Department recently summoned Guyana’s Ambassador to the US to discuss this particular matter and reprimand the government.

He said that despite the warning, these alleged issues persist.

“Members of the Guyana Police Force, the GDF or PPP death squads members, who come to the US to target African Guyanese leaders us [sic] should understand that there is a possibility that they may never return to Guyana. You may end up in jail or dead,” Burke threatened.

He added that there are laws in the US that empower citizens to protect themselves from “assassins”.

“People and law enforcement will follow the law to defend themselves, family and property,” he said.


  1. Rickford Burke said that most of these “spying agents are mostly Black and are armed with illegal guns”, noting that two persons are under investigation for “trying to hire assassins”.
    Hey Burk, they are probably just re-living the tribal wars during which your forbears – the
    losers – were captured. And they were sold by the captors (other tribes of blacks) to the

    Burke, in a recent Facebook post, said, “It seems unreal and incredible. But it is true. Guyana’s racist PPP government has been boldly sending intelligence agents from the Guyana Police Force and Guyana Defence Force, and hitmen, into the United States to target Guyanese dissents who expose their racism, injustice against African Guyanese, human rights abuses and corruption.”

    I ask: what is racist about the PPP? Show proof.
    Remember, Burke, under the PNC, the respected Dr. Walter Rodney who was black, stated that the killing of East Indians has “the flavour of genocide”.

    In the eyes of the blacks worldwide, all humans are racist. The blacks are never racist. And they never assimilated into human society.

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