Home Agriculture 2024 saw Guyana solidifying its position as the region’s agricultural giant –...

2024 saw Guyana solidifying its position as the region’s agricultural giant – Mustapha

Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha

Boasting success stories in every sector and area of responsibility with the exception of sugar, Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha yesterday told the media that 2024 was indeed successful year for agriculture in Guyana and the region.

Speaking for well over two hours in the boardroom of his Regent Street office, Mustapha told the media about growth and record-breaking production levels that occurred in 2024.

In the rice sector, for example, the Minister revealed that the country surpassed its target with the production of 725,282 metric tonnes. Mustapha was keen to note that this is peak in the nation’s history of rice production.

He said that not only is the rice being produced in historic proportions, adequate market has also been secured for millers through the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB). Mustapha revealed that this year alone Guyana exported 425,490 metric tonnes of rice and by-products to 30 countries. The overall value of was USD$254 million.

The staggering increase in rice production was a result of the introduction of four new rice varieties over the past four years. All of the new rice varieties have a yield potential between seven to nine tonnes per hectare.

Mustapha spoke also about other productions like coconut. He said the coconut industry has seen steady improvement with farmers having access to adequate amounts of high- quality coconut seedlings at a reduced cost. The Minister pointed to the main success story for he coconut industry this year. He said that the Hope Coconut Industries Limited, or Hope Estate, performed exceptionally well, having produced approximately 51,320 coconut seedlings by the end of December.

Mustapha also indicated that cassava has seen an increased yield from 18 tonnes to 30 tonnes.

Corn and bean production, a new frontier for Guyana, continues to see progress. Mustapha said that by the end of 2025, Guyana will be producing all the corn and soya for its poultry industry, that the nation currently imports. This, he said, will allow for a saving of about US $30 million to be realized. The Minister said that in partnership with the private sector, Guyana will be cultivating 25,000 acres twice annually, with potential for further expansion. To achieve self-sufficiency Guyana needs to produce 25,000 acres, twice per year. Mustapha indicated that Guyana cultivated 12,000 acres in 2024.

Mustapha told the media that spice production has also increased. These include spices like turmeric and ginger.

Further, the cut rose project, designed for the benefit of single mothers, continued to thrive. Mustapha said that to date, revenue from sales amounts to $6,423,870 while production to date is 35,230 roses.

The minister also spoke about the successes of fisheries and key projects in drainage and irrigation, these will be highlighted in other articles.


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