Police are investigating the fatal shooting of Yognand Chaitram, called ‘Boy’, a 29-year-old cane harvester from Lot 19, Alness Village, Corentyne, Berbice, which occurred at about 10:00 hrs on January 1st, 2025, at Lesbeholden, Black Bush Polder in Corentyne, Berbice.

The suspect has been identified as Moonie Ramnarine, 65, a businessman of Lot CZ 14, Lesbeholden, who is the licensed holder of a .32 pistol bearing serial number FOC5287.

Ramnarine operates a Beer Garden in the lower flat of his premises and on the date and time mentioned, an argument among patrons at his beer garden escalated, with Chaitram and others breaking bottles and threatening each other.

The businessman said he attempted to close his gate when Chaitram and another man threw him to the ground, injuring his elbow. While on the ground and being threatened with bottles, Ramnarine said he discharged two rounds from his licensed firearm, hitting the victim, who collapsed on the road. Ramnarine then secured his business place, reported the incident to the police, and surrendered his firearm and license.

Two .32 spent shells were recovered — one inside the shop and one outside (near the gate).

Chaitram’s body was taken to the Miciburi Public Hospital where it was pronounced dead on arrival. It was examined and found clad in a green jersey and brown 3/4 trousers.

The businessman is in custody assisting with the investigation, and his firearm, along with his license, has been lodged.

Investigations continue.


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