Embattled police sergeant, Dion Bascom told Guyana Standard on Friday that controversial businessman Azruddin Mohammed lied to the press when he stated that the lawsuit was dropped against him after he apologized. The so-called apology would have been for Bascom’s utterances to the effect that Mohammed was responsible for the murder of Ricardo Fagundes called ‘Paper Shorts’ and that big bucks were expended in a coverup.

But Bascom is saying that it is nothing of the sort, he has not been in contact with Mohammed, moreover to issue an apology to him.

News broke that on Old Year’s Day, Mohammed dropped the $200M lawsuit against Bascom. Today, the Kaieteur News published that Mohamed decided to withdraw the matter after the policeman apologized for the implication.

He was quoted saying “We just drop it because it’s a waste of time going after that. We didn’t have anything to gain from it and Bascom reached out and apologized, so I forgave him… I’m sorry for him; he is out of a job and is in a real bad situation.”

When contacted by Guyana Standard Bascom said, “I do not know anything about that. I never reached out to him, I never apologized to him.”

Bascom said that he gained knowledge that the case was dropped after he contacted his lawyer Nigel Hughes to bid him a happy birthday.

Bascom recounted, “I called yesterday to tell Mr. Hughes happy birthday; he said I don’t know if anyone informed you but Azruddin Mohammed and Mark Richmond drop the case against you. He said that it is only the criminal charges left.”

He continued, “This morning when I wake up, I see Kaieteur News saying that Azruddin pulled back the matter after I apologized.”

Bascom said that he was shocked after reading news of his apology as he knows full well that he never made no such utterance in or out of court.  “The last thing in court was when Mr. Hughes was asking Azruddin a question and they went back and forth. The judge said we not going anywhere and he gave us a date for October.

“When October reached, the judge was out of the country so they gave another date.  We were supposed to be going back to court on the 20th and 21st but they went Old Year’s Day and dropped the case.”


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