Police are investigating the death of Kareena Persaud, a seven-year-old female student of Skeldon Primary School, and who resided at No. 77 Village Housing Scheme in Corriverton, Berbice.

The child lived with her aunt, Maharanie Ramnarine (also known as Ranie), a 40-year-old Manager at Taj Mahal Hotel and Bar, located in No. 79 Village, Corriverton.

The incident occurred on January 12, 2025, at approximately 20:30 hrs at the Taj Mahal Hotel and Bar.

According to Maharanie, she had been caring for the child since she was four months old. Maharanie took the child from her 32-year-old father, Raysham Persaud, with his permission.

Maharanie stated that she has worked for her uncle, Tejkumar Persaud (also known as Ravo), the hotel’s owner, for almost a year. She moved from Essequibo and brought her niece (Kareena) to Berbice to care for her. They occupied a self-contained room at the hotel. About a week ago, she rented a house at No. 77 Village Housing Scheme, Corriverton, Berbice, but they spent most of their time at the hotel due to her job.

On January 12, 2025, at about 20:30 hrs, Maharanie was closing the doors and preparing to retire to her room when she heard the child (Kareena) called out to her. She turned around to find the iron gate had fallen on her niece, who was lying on the ground with head injuries and bleeding. Maharanie screamed for help and others came and helped lift the gate off the child. The sliding gate is made of hollow-section metal and weighs about 250 pounds.

The seven-year-old girl was rushed to Skeldon Public Hospital, where the doctor on duty pronounced her dead.

The police were notified and visited the hospital, where the body was found on a bed in the Emergency Room, wrapped in a sheet. A detective examined the body and observed a cut on the forehead.

The scene was processed and photographed. Several CCTV cameras were identified on the building and will be reviewed by detectives. Statements have also been taken as investigations continue.

The incident was reported to the Police at about 23:00 hrs on January 12, 2025.


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