“You must be the only one” is what Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson told his opposition counterpart, Nima Flue after she aired her views on the beauty and significance of Durban Park.
Making her contribution to the ongoing debate of Budget 2025, Flue chided the government for its continued criticism of the infamous Durban Park. The politician said that government members are only fixated on “the money” forgetting the great significance of the project. She asserted that the Durban Park carries great historical significance as it was erected for Guyana’s 50 Independence anniversary and is situated in proximity to other important buildings and landmarks. In this regard, the Independence Arch, Square of the Revolution, Office of the President, Botanical Gardens and the National Cultural Center were cited.
“What happened to the flag pole…What is wrong with having the Golden Arrow Head flying high,” Flue questioned. She spoke nothing about the missing fund and documents or contractors who reportedly worked on the project as highlighted in several audit reports.
The speaker taking the floor immediately after Flue was Minister Ramson who totally disregarded the points she made. Ramson said that Flue might be the lone individual in Guyana who likes Durban Park.
He said that Durban Park is nothing more than an eyesore but dubbed it an accurate reflection of the record of the APNU+AFC government.
The minister recalled that over $1B was spent on Durban Park but $600M cannot be accounted for. He said that this sort of transgression is not isolated under the rule of the APNU+AFC government.
Ramson recalled the wharf valued at $8B which APNU+AFC sold for $100M but only $20M. He reminded that that administration sole sourced a bottom house to store drugs for $12.5M per month, costing tax payers some $340M
The minister said that $1B was spent on the State Asset Recovery Agency yet not a single asset was recovered. Another “$72M was spent on scales sole sourced from a political advisor which were never received.”
Ramson said that another “$90M was transferred to their personal bank accounts…they gave themselves contracts, passed the Liberalization of the Telecommunication Act but never enforced it…They gave themselves salary increases and transferred 200 acres of land to the Chief Elections Officer who was later charged for rigging.
“They gave the Returning Officer for Region 4 his land the day after his application.” Listing the aforementioned and more, Ramson then asserted, “and they are now the paragon of virtue.”