Home News PPP issues statement on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

PPP issues statement on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Al Jazeera photo

See full missive below:

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has historically stood in support of a two-state solution to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in keeping with UN resolution 242. Events of this last week have catapulted this issue onto the forefront of the global agenda once again, and require more urgent, determined, sustained, and unequivocal efforts by the United Nations (UN) and global leaders to realise this resolution.

Hamas’ attack on Israeli territory, and the subsequent Israeli aerial bombardment, as well as the consequential cutting off of all access to fuel, electricity, water, and medicine to the people of Gaza, have brought the status of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to its lowest levels in several decades. Hamas’ attack on Israel has resulted in the loss of over 1,400 lives, including that of women and children.

Meanwhile, the Israeli bombardment of Gaza has resulted in the deaths of over 2,600 Palestinians, many of whom are children and women. This violence against innocent civilians, on both sides, is unacceptable and the PPP unequivocally condemns it.

Further, the Israeli air raids on Gaza have also resulted in the indiscriminate destruction of essential infrastructure, including UN centers, hospitals, and schools – all in flagrant violation of international and humanitarian laws.

At this dangerous juncture, there is a real threat that the conflict will escalate and engulf all of Palestine, as well as other parts of the Region. The People’s Progressive Party lends its unequivocal support to the statement by the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, on October 13, 2023, in which he called on Israel to stop the evacuation order of over one million people from the Gaza, one of the most densely populated areas in the world – “a territory already besieged under aerial bombardment without fuel, electricity, water and food.”

The Secretary-General appealed to Israel to reconsider such actions, as it would have devastating humanitarian consequences. Also, the PPP welcomes the swift response by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). The October 9, 2023 statement stressed that CARICOM joined “responsible members of the international community in calling for an immediate ceasefire and the end of hostilities by all parties. CARICOM continues to support UNSC Res 242 and the ongoing efforts towards a two-state solution as the best way to achieve comprehensive peace, security and tranquility between Israel and Palestine.”

Additionally, statements by world leaders have urged Israel to withdraw the evacuation order for over a million Palestinians and for it to not reoccupy Gaza as its own.

The PPP reiterates that it condemns the senseless killing of innocent civilians, particularly women and children, on both sides and supports the call for:

• The immediate, rapid, and unimpeded humanitarian access throughout Gaza of fuel, food, medicine and water, etc., being allowed to enter;

• An immediate reversal of the evacuation order by Israel of the Palestinians in Gaza;

• All hostages in Gaza to be released; and

• International humanitarian laws to be respected and upheld, and for civilians on both sides to be protected at all times.

The world can no longer continue to turn a blind eye to the unacceptable conditions in which the Palestinians have been living for generations. The Palestinian people deserve a homeland in which they can live in freedom and dignity.

The people of Israel also deserve to live in a country free from threats of violence and at peace with their neighbours. We believe that this can only be achieved in the context of a two-state solution.


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