A year after the devastating fire at the Mahdia Secondary School Dormitory claimed the lives of 19 girls and one boy, a memorial site is being established to honour their memories. This announcement was made by Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Philips during a memorial service and wreath-laying ceremony held in Micobie Village, Region Eight, yesterday.

“Soon we will also immortalize the memories of our lost girls and boy by establishing a memorial site. This is a necessary move to ensure the lives of these 20 young people will always be etched in our minds and hearts,” Prime Minister Philips stated, addressing the gathering.

The tragic fire, which occurred in May last year was considered a significant loss for Guyanese. Eleven of the victims were laid to rest in Micobie, four in Karisparu, and four in Chenapou, while the lone boy in the tragedy was buried in Georgetown.

During the ceremony, Prime Minister Philips emphasized the critical lesson learned from the tragedy: the imperative to safeguard the nation’s children in every conceivable way. “The protection of our children must be paramount in all aspects of life,” he declared.

Minister of labour, Joseph Hamilton, in his remarks, offered spiritual solace, urging the families to seek strength in faith. “Over the ages, when we are confronted with these circumstances, all of us refer to God to give us the strength to get through it…especially in these times where we come to celebrate the life of these angels that we lost one year ago,” he said, echoing sentiments of resilience and hope.

Minister of Tourism, Oneidge Walrond who was also there, highlighted the importance of remembering the victims for their lives rather than the tragedy that took them. “We are standing with you, the families and friends, not to remember the tragedy but to remember the beautiful souls. We must take this time to reflect on how their wonderful lives and the things they did touched us. Today, may we choose to celebrate the lives that those children have lived,” she encouraged.

Furthermore the Minister within the Ministry of Housing, Susan Rodriguesreiterated the government’s unwavering support, noting the collective strength and unity exhibited by the nation in the wake of the disaster. “Our country has shown remarkable strength and resilience. There are times when our country may seem divided but when news of such became known, our country stood still and Guyanese from all walks of life showed solidarity with the grieving families,” she remarked.

The government was keen to note that the memorial site marks a significant step in the healing process for the community and stands as a reminder of the collective resolve to safeguard the future of the nation’s children.


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