Police are investigating a shooting incident that occurred at about 19:45 hrs yesterday (Tuesday) at Charles Street, Charlestown, which resulted in a six-year-old child receiving a gunshot wound to the head. The child is hospitalised, and his condition is listed as serious.

Investigations so far revealed that on the date and time mentioned, the six-year-old victim was standing next to his 39-year-old mother, who is a Food Vendor, on the eastern side of Charles Street when the suspect approached on a black motorcycle (registration number unknown), with a gun in his hand.

As he approached the woman’s food stall, he discharged four rounds in the direction of a man known as ‘Crab’, who was standing not far from the six-year-old and his mother. ‘Crab’ then began to run and made good his escape. In the process, the six-year-old victim was shot, and he fell to the ground.

The child was picked up by his mother and taken to a city hospital, where he is receiving medical attention.

Two 9mm spent shells were recovered at the scene.

Police are looking for the suspect, as well as the man known as ‘Crab’.


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