Dear Editor,

There is a line between honest mistakes and blatant lies in journalism. The post by senior journalist, Enrico Woolford alleging that “Guyana’s Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat was escorted off and questioned by Federal agents at JFK airport” falls squarely not only within the ambit of fake news and public mischief (a crime) but is borderline treason! Let me be pellucid, Woolford has made a fake news post ostensibly to cast aspersions upon Minister Bharrat which is political mischief but the more serious offence is the attempt to damage relations between Guyana and the United States of America.

Woolford must know that Minister Bharrat travels on a Diplomatic passport and is therefore an official representative of the Government of Guyana, which precludes him from questioning by anyone! Diplomats from North Korea and at-war Russia travel to America and throughout the world without question and any such ‘detention and/or questioning’ is unprecedented and would be a declaration of hostilities between the nations on a preposterous level. This is an example of Gobbels ‘Big Lie’ on steroids!

The question for Guyana’s government is how much rope should be allowed under the aegis of ‘free speech’? I am of the firm belief that Mr. Woolford has crossed the line most egregiously and must be held to account within the laws of Guyana.

I do not need to remind Guyanese that America is our friend and ally who is standing strong with us against the threat of Venezuela on our western border; I strongly urge the Government of Guyana to take every possible action to protect our relations with the United States of America and to investigate thoroughly Enrico Woolford’s motives for attempting to drive a wedge between our nation and, an agency of a foreign country should not be ruled out summarily.

Mr. Woolford must be interrogated thoroughly, for unlike others, he is a seasoned journalist and must be fully aware of all the consequences of his words and actions.

Robin Singh


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