The management of the Guyana Fire Service has firmly distanced itself from any involvement in illegal activities by its members, including the smuggling of illegal alcohol, following an incident involving Station Officer Clayton Pantlitz.

On July 18, 2024, police intercepted Pantlitz at Melanie, East Coast Demerara, and discovered a significant quantity of illegal liquor in his vehicle. The officer was subsequently taken to the Guyana Revenue Authority Bond to lodge the alcohol and then escorted to the Brickdam Police Station.

Guyana Standard understands that the liquor discovered includes: 24 bottles of Hennessy, 24 Johnny Walker Black Labels, 10 Johnny Walker Gold Labels, 12 Fireballs, 48 Absolut, and 12 Cîroc.

The Fire Service says it is taking this matter very seriously and has launched a thorough investigation to uncover all details surrounding the incident. The administration strongly condemns the actions of the officer, emphasizing that such behavior tarnishes the organization’s reputation. Once the investigation is complete, appropriate actions will be taken to ensure Pantlitz is penalized according to the Fire Service regulations.

The Guyana Fire Service says it remains committed to serving the people of Guyana with integrity and is dedicated to upholding the highest standards within the organization.


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