Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes has retracted the party’s support for the reimposition of the 2am curfew recently proposed by Executive Member and Former Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan.

At its recent press conference Hughes, while addressing the media Hughes said Ramjattan’s comment was a misconception that he must correct. “The Alliance For Change notes the concerns raised with regards to the statements made on the 2am curfew at our last press conference and wishes to correct a few misconceptions,” Hughes stated.

He emphasized that under his leadership, the 2am curfew has not been discussed, and thus, no policy decision has been taken.

This clarification comes amid widespread criticism of Ramjattan’s recent proposal. During a previous AFC press conference Ramjattan had called for the curfew to be reinstituted to curb the number of road deaths being recorded in Guyana.

Hughes noted that while this will not this policy has not been discussed, in the mean time there needs to be a national solution to address the road deaths being recorded.

Moreover he said, “It is our hope that a solution that balances our support for private sector entertainment spots to be profitable with safe and responsible practices including a change in the culture of speeding and driving under the influence, might be found.”

Yesterday, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) strongly opposed the reimposition of the curfew, arguing that there is no empirical evidence to support its effectiveness in reducing road fatalities. The GCCI also highlighted potential negative impacts on economic recovery and growth, suggesting that strengthening the enforcement of existing traffic laws and launching comprehensive public education campaigns would be more effective.

“The GCCI believes that the real solution lies in significantly strengthening the enforcement of existing traffic laws by the Guyana Police Force’s Traffic Department. The focus should be on rigorous action against reckless driving and driving under the influence of alcohol,” it said. It added, “Furthermore, it is imperative to launch comprehensive public education and awareness campaigns to foster responsible road behavior.”

Similarly, the AFC’s parliamentary opposition partner, the Peoples National Congress (PNC), expressed reservations about the curfew. The PNCR stated that without empirical data or statistical analysis, it could not support the AFC’s earlier proposal.



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