At Monday’s opening of the National Toshaos Council (NTC) Conference, Toshaos from various district councils elected a 20-member executive committee, which subsequently selected key office bearers to lead the Council. Derrick John, Toshao of Moraikobai Village, was re-elected as the NTC Chairman.

Joining him in the core committee are Sonia Latchman, Toshao of Bethany, who was re-elected as Vice Chairperson; Shane Cornelius, Toshao of Karrau, who retained his position as Secretary; and Toshao Alvoro Simon, newly elected as Treasurer.

Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai, addressed the newly elected executive, emphasizing the importance of collective decision-making and fair leadership. She urged them to work cohesively to drive the development of their respective villages, stressing that their responsibilities extend beyond individual roles to serve the broader interests of their communities.

Minister Sukhai reminded all council members of their legal obligations, noting that they must engage their communities to initiate and implement development programmes. “Even though you may not be a member of the executive, all democratically elected Toshaos share similar responsibilities, which transcend through the entire group. We must carry forward the mandate placed on us with respect to our role on behalf of our people,” she stated.

She further encouraged the executive to foster unity and consensus in their decision-making processes, underscoring the significance of working together for the collective good. “You have been elected by the NTC membership to provide higher leadership among yourselves. I urge you to work well together, seek consensus, and act in the best interest of the entire membership,” she added.

Minister Sukhai also highlighted the need for adherence to the law, positive leadership, and proactive initiatives within the legal framework. She called on those not part of the executive to support the governing team in implementing the NTC’s planned programs and to hold them accountable.

In her concluding remarks, the Minister expressed confidence in the Council’s ability to fulfill its mandate and assured them of continued collaboration. She also urged the members to remain vigilant against any criticisms aimed at undermining their efforts.

The NTC, established under the Amerindian Act of 2006, serves as the principal body representing and advocating for the rights of Guyana’s indigenous peoples. It is tasked with planning and developing policies, programs, and projects aimed at sustainable development and enhancing the rights of the first peoples. (Modified from DPI)


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