Police are investigating a fatal accident that occurred early this morning on the Number 43 Public Road (Bridge) in Corentyne, Berbice, involving motor car PAF 8289. The car was owned and driven by 34-year-old Melena Stephen, a resident of Roxanne Burnham Gardens, Georgetown, who lost her life in the crash.

The incident happened around 04:00 hrs when Stephen’s vehicle, traveling south at a fast rate, lost control and collided with a bridge rail on the western side of the road. Stephen was trapped in the car and later removed by the Fire Service in an unconscious state. She was pronounced dead on arrival at Skeldon Public Hospital. Her body is currently at Anthony’s Funeral Home, awaiting a post-mortem examination.

Four other occupants in the car, aged 9, 28, 41, and 54, were rescued by public-spirited citizens and taken to Port Mourant Public Hospital. They were later transferred to New Amsterdam Public Hospital, where the nine-year-old and two others with fractures were admitted for further treatment. The 41-year-old is also hospitalized with chest injuries. All survivors are reported to be in stable condition.

Investigations into the accident are ongoing.


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